Summer Ceramic Camp 2024! Click the banner to learn more about this opportunity!

Summer Ceramic Camp 2024:  Come join us!

Dates: June 10-13 (M, Tu, W, Th) to create ceramic projects. June 17-19 (M, Tu, W) to glaze projects. June 21 (F) estimated pick up time for projects.
Time: 10am-12pm

Ages: 8-15 years , 30 seats available

Where: Sugar Salem High School Art room #15 (northeast corner of the building)

Cost: $75 Please make payment to Venmo @Melissa-Ricks-1

*If you prefer to pay with cash or check, please text me and let me know (You can bring it to the first day of camp). Sorry for price increase, but all supplies have increased in cost over the past couple years!

Projects to create: Native American Teepee, Snail Pinch pot, bear sculpture, coil creation.

Text, call or email me with any questions: Melissa Ricks: 208-392-7118

Follow the link below to signup.